Cardio, strength & mobility.
As much as the fitness industry would like you to believe that strength, mobility, flexibility and cardio all need to be trained independently of one another, Functional Patterns goes to show that just isn’t the case. These ambiguous terms become completely irrelevant when you focus on functionality with your body. How does a fish keep itself fit? How much does a lion need to work on its flexibility? These questions may sound comical but we humans fall under the same natural laws as every other animal on this planet. What we do at FP is focus on the function that sculpted your musculature in the first place. We get the body to function well across every aspect of fitness by stimulating your tissues in a manner that respects the blueprint of how human beings move. A strong and mobile organism with a fully functioning cardiovascular system is a byproduct of respecting nature.
It shouldn’t come as too great a surprise to learn that training the body to operate more efficiently on something like a bike or a rowing machine will absolutely NOT make you more efficient at moving on two feet. In fact the adaptation to those activities will make it very difficult for you to function well as a human.
Functional Patterns is a one stop shop for human function. We take the guesswork out of taking care of your body.