How to get quicker results
Making relevant changes to the human structure is a very complicated process, anyone who tells you otherwise should be asked to produce results to backup their claims. The first thing to be mindful of is that your biomechanical problems have been ingrained over many years, perhaps generations, of degeneration. This long slow process of cell and tissue deterioration will not be reversed in a few weeks.
However there are certain things you can do and certain things to avoid doing if you want to accelerate your results and join thousands of others in making relevant gains in their training:
Come in to the gym with an open mind and be ready to put in some work - Scepticism is good and is expected with anything new but don’t let that prevent you from giving 100% effort during a session. The moment you dive in and fully submerse yourself in FP is where you will begin to see incredible changes in the way you look, move and feel.
Buy the online 10 week course and/or Power of Posture, if possible - Functional Patterns as a system has many different layers to it. Myofascial release work, along with corrective exercise and multi-planar dynamic movement is how results are achieved. If you can gain a better understanding of FP through the 10 week course or The Power of Posture book, it will allow for the foundations to be built quicker, meaning sessions in the gym can progress at a much faster rate.
Listen to ‘The Functional Podcast’ - Functional Patterns and its methodology was created by one man, Naudi Aguilar. Understanding how Naudi thinks and where his perspectives come from will allow you to better understand what it is you’re trying to achieve with each exercise, leading to accelerated results. The precise application of his techniques coupled with an understanding of a mechanistic mindset will send you down the path of functionality which is littered with rewards.
Avoid training modalities that don’t respect human biology - At Functional Patterns Perth our only focus is on achieving results. To make changes in a persons gait cycle we are going to stimulate a certain sequence of muscle actions, to program in new movement patterns . If you’re spending your time outside of the gym using different sequences of muscle actions to the ones we’re trying to implement, then your progress is going to be at best, slow. Get the most out of your investment and give FP 100% of your energy when it comes to exercise and your body will thank you for it.